SPRINGFIELD, IL | (217) 546-2159
SPRINGFIELD, IL | (217) 546-2159
In past school years, our MAGIC Match program provided new smartboards for our classrooms! In addition, funds supported classroom iPads, science lab equipment, dissection specimens, art supplies, computer programs, P.E. equipment, many new books for our guided reading library and school library, and numerous classroom supplies that enrich our curriculum.
MAGIC Match sponsors may choose to support a specific homeroom or program at Christ the King School or we will partner our sponsors with a classroom or program that has the most need. MAGIC Match involves a commitment from sponsors of either $250 (co-sponsor) or $500 (full sponsor). Donations may be made in full, semi-annual, or quarterly payments. During the school year, our sponsors receive communication and updates as to how the funds are used at Christ the King.
If you have any questions or would like more information about the program, please contact Jessica Davis at (217) 546-2159 or davis@ctkcougars.com.