SPRINGFIELD, IL | (217) 546-2159


Mission Statement

Christ the King School, in partnership with families, empowers children in a Catholic faith journey, promotes academic excellence, and inspires life-long service within a safe and loving parish community.


We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children. They provide the foundation upon which a Christian education is built. When parents entrust their children to our school, they assist the school by their support and cooperation. We believe that the Catholic school is the most effective means available to the Church in its educational ministry to children and young people. We believe that each child is a unique individual created in the image and likeness of God. In the school’s environment, the whole child’s potential – spiritual, moral, academic, emotional, and physical – is developed and strengthened. We believe that it is the school’s responsibility to form Christians prepared to live in a society that is becoming increasingly more materialistic. By providing opportunities for spiritual, moral, and emotional growth, students will develop a true sense of compassion, service, and self-worth. Academic and physical challenges will help students develop a true sense of accomplishment and self-knowledge, recognizing their civic responsibilities and the importance of helping others through service.


The faculty and staff of Christ the King School strives to create, by word and example, a caring, compassionate, Catholic environment. Academic instruction and opportunities will help each child reach his/her full potential.


In order to achieve the mission of Christ the King School, the students will:

  • Model their lives on the teachings of Jesus through prayer, respect for life, self-discipline, and responsible decision making.
  • Actively participate in the life of the Church by attending mass, receiving the sacraments, and practicing service to others.
  • Demonstrate their knowledge of Catholic Church teachings, traditions, and history.
  • Demonstrate the ability to read fluently and with comprehension.
  • Demonstrate the ability to speak, read, and write correctly.
  • Demonstrate essential math skills.
  • Utilize technology to enhance learning across the curriculum.
  • Demonstrate their knowledge of science and the importance of environmental stewardship.
  • Exhibit their knowledge of history and cultural diversity, understanding the democratic process.
  • Enrich their self-expression through the fine arts.
  • Work independently and cooperatively with others.
  • Demonstrate physical skills appropriate for a healthy living.

For Christ the King School the four-fold dimension of Catholic education, message, service, community, and worship, is a part of everything that we do. In our classrooms, religion is taught by both word and example. Each day, in our day-to-day activities, we strive to live out Christ’s message of loving God and our neighbor. Through our service projects, we put Christ’s message into action. Each day, as we pray and worship together, we gather strength to continue to live out our vocation as Christians.

Catholic identity is obvious throughout the entire school building. When you first see our building, the large stainless steel cross that looms over the roof and the cross and crown on the driveway proclaim that this is a building where Christianity is lived. When you enter through the main doors, a large hanging sculpture of Jesus and the Children of the World welcomes everyone. In the school office is a statue of Holy Family, the Blessed Virgin Mary and a large sign with the words I Am A Child Of God. Throughout the school are pictures of Jesus, Mary, the Guardian Angel, Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Last Supper, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis. The Infant of Prague Statue is at the main entrance of our school. During Advent, a large Advent wreath graces the second floor hallway. The office and each classroom have an Advent wreath that is lit each morning during prayers.

All of our students wear uniforms, a traditional staple of Catholic schools. Many of the students wear polo shirts that have the cross and crown, the symbol of Christ the King, on the front. All of our school sweatshirts have a cross and crown stamped on them, and many of our school spirit shirts bear the logo, Champions in Christ.

When you visit the school gym named after the first pastor, Monsignor John Bretz, you will see a large crucifix donated by the parents who played volleyball there each Friday. In the gym itself, above the stage, you will also see painted in green, the phrase Champions in Christ with the Cross and Crown on either side. That same phrase is repeated on the state placers’ banners that are displayed on the wall. Our school hosts basketball leagues for the Springfield Catholic Athletic Association and a prayer is said before each game.

Each classroom displays a crucifix and has a statue of Mary. There is a special area for a prayer place as well as bulletin boards and posters that reflect our Catholic identity.

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