SPRINGFIELD, IL | (217) 546-2159
SPRINGFIELD, IL | (217) 546-2159
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Contact the Athletic Director@ AthleticDirector@ctkcougars.com
Any athlete who exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion (such as loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, confusion, or balance problems) shall be immediately removed from the contest and shall not return to play until cleared by an appropriate health care professional. The change in rule simply calls for officials, parents and athletes to be cognizant of athletes who display signs, symptoms or behaviors of a concussion and remove them from play. Attached you will find a "return to play" and "return to learn" protocol for students believed to have suffered a concussion. We are working to provide information that explains concussion prevention, symptoms, treatment, and oversight which includes guidelines for safely resuming participation in an athletic activity or resuming participation in learning, following a concussion. The student must be evaluated by a treating physician, or an athletic trainer under the supervision of a physician; successfully complete each requirement of our CTK school's protocols established; supply a written statement by a treating physician stating it is safe to return to learn and play; the student and parent or guardian provide signed consent to the student participating in protocols and understands the risks associated with the student returning to play and learn and will comply with any ongoing requirements of the protocol. A coach alone may not authorize a student's return to play or learn.