SPRINGFIELD, IL | (217) 546-2159
SPRINGFIELD, IL | (217) 546-2159
The Christ the King Sports Booster Club is dedicated to fostering a supportive and enthusiastic community for our student-athletes. Our mission is to promote school spirit, provide financial support, and encourage participation in all athletic programs. We are committed to enhancing the athletic experience for students, coaches, and fans through fundraising, volunteerism, and community engagement. By working together, we aim to build a legacy of pride, sportsmanship, and excellence in Christ the King athletic programs.
Game times are 6PM for 7th grade and 7PM for 8th grade
Boys Basketball
Girls Volleyball
Coming Soon - Meeting Times
President: Roukaya Hoffman
Vice-President: Abby Isringhausen
Treasurer: Ryan Beverage
Secrectary: Emily Cour and Christy Johnson
Sergeant Arms: Nick Naumovich
Athletic Director: Pete Stoll