SPRINGFIELD, IL | (217) 546-2159
SPRINGFIELD, IL | (217) 546-2159
We have many activities planned for our students and families throughout the school year. Your involvement is essential to the success of our organization. So please join us at our events... You'll reconnect with friends, meet new families, support your children and their school, and have fun in the process. All school parents are welcome to attend our meetings, we hope to see you there!
PTO Classroom Representative
PTO members who volunteer to represent their child’s class are asked to attend PTO meeting throughout the year and help organize at least one event/fundraiser. These members are the primary communication between teachers, parents, and PTO. Volunteering for classroom representative fulfills service hours requirement for the school year.
Sign up to be a PTO Homeroom Representative:
Ashley Colwell
Jaclyn Barth
Vice President
Aron Tewell
Kylie Kahle
Money raised by PTO activities goes towards the RIF (Reading Is Fundamental) program in grades 3-5, purchasing science consumables, supporting cultural activities, and supporting student vision/hearing screening at CTK.
PTO provides annual teacher start up funds, staff Christmas presents, staff luncheons, and staff appreciate week activities.
The student Fun Day at the end of the school year is funded by PTO money. In addition, Trunk or Treat, Extreme Bowling, Daddy-Daughter Dance, Grandparent's Tea Breakfast, PTO Donut Sundays, our 5th - 8th grade movie night, our Children’s Auction as part of Catholic’s Schools Week, and Family Dinner Nights at area restaurants are coordinated by PTO. PTO also helps coordinate the Cougar Kickoff with our CTK Men's Club.
PTO provides two SHG $500 scholarships for 8th grade students each year.