SPRINGFIELD, IL | (217) 546-2159

Art Outreach

This program is offered to our school through the Springfield Art Association (SAA).  It is designed to expose students to many different forms of art/artists and increase their appreciation and understanding of the value of art. Art Outreach relies on CTK volunteers to go into our classrooms and teach the monthly Art Outreach lessons. 


Each digital portfolio contains ten to twelve slides that are designed to visually explain a certain theme, movement in art history, or individual artist. Each item is documented with background information and pertinent questions to aid the volunteer in the preparation of fun and exciting classroom discussions.

What is expected of a volunteer?

Anyone can volunteer! No prior experience or knowledge necessary. All necessary information is provided.

Volunteers present guided lessons ("portfolios") to students. The lessons are designed to last approximately 30 minutes. Volunteers may choose to offer an optional art project following the presentation. Art project suggestions can be found with the portfolio or the supplementary links on the right of this page. Some art supplies can be requested from the Art Outreach Coordinator, but other materials will need to be purchased by the volunteer.

Volunteers should contact the classroom teacher to arrange a mutually agreeable time for the art outreach lesson. Additionally, the volunteer should coordinate the portfolio topic with the teacher with the intent of presenting a lesson that complements the current classroom curriculum, if possible. 

What months will Art Outreach lessons be available to classrooms?

October, November, January, February, March and April

However, lessons are dependent on volunteer availability.

Why should I volunteer for Art Outreach?

It is a fun, easy, and flexible way to earn CTK service hours. The students and teachers love the lessons and you may enjoy learning too!

If you would like to volunteer to Art Outreach, click here!

Questions regarding the CTK Art Outreach Program can be sent to CTKArtOutreach@gmail.com

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