SPRINGFIELD, IL | (217) 546-2159

School Board

School Board Open Meetings

All meetings of the Board shall be open to the members of the parish and the parents or guardians of children in attendance at the parish programs. The right of such non-members and visitors to address the Board shall be limited to those who petition has been approved by the Chair, the Pastor and/or the Principal for the agenda at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting, including all written materials for the Board review. The time limitation shall be made with regard to the scope and complexity of the issue(s) involved and other business before the Board. Only one person may speak as the spokesperson for the group.

Generally, the Petitioner will be allowed no more than ten(10) minutes to address the Board and respond to any questions. The Board will consider the Petitioner's request at the following Board meeting (or the next Board meeting as consideration would be practical) unless facts and circumstances require immediate Board action. The determination as to when the Board will address the Petitioner's request shall rest with the Chair and/or the Pastor.

School Board usually meets the first Tuesday of the month in the Parish Center.

School Board Members:

Emily Cour

Kim Cummins

Aaron Johnston

Naim Khoury

Matt Kink

Chelsey Moore

Amy Zachary Reynolds

William Robinson

Michael Schmitt

Troy Scott

Fr. Chris House

Jill Seaton

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